Just a note from Dance with me Toronto. Patrick has been attending Argentine tango class for about 3 years with a group of amazing people who enjoy it very much. That is what he has to say:
Your first impression of Argentine Tango as a student is probably that the dance is infuriating, impossible, intricate, and irresistible. You don’t have to step in time to the music; your partner dances different steps; the dance is improvised by the leader; embellished by the follower; and those flashy sexy moves that led you to this dance are mostly illusions. Relax – as the music and joy of the dance bring exquisite benefits. The mindful focus on the dance with the deeply emotional music calms the mad monkey screeching in your skull after a frustrating day at work or home. All of a sudden you are free to listen, have friends, be an artist, embrace another human being, and choreograph a short but unique relationship. Both partners contribute what they feel to the music.
The embrace requires the man to listen to the heart of the woman and she to put her head in his heart. The sharing of affection in the embrace requires two individual balances to allow two to dance as one with sublime elegance. You are dancing only one for the other. When you both are consumed and inspired by the musical magic, the skin of one on the skin of the other, the scent, the touch produces the miracle of tango trance – and the yin and the yang is perfect. You are dancing tango! If you have that ecstasy for only a few minutes with your dance partner and the music in an evening, it makes your week worthwhile.
Patrick A.